Winneshiek County supervisors appear willing to at least study the issue of whether the county should switch to a full-time, on staff county attorney.
Decorah resident Tom Hansen raised the issue Monday with supervisors. He told the group "Times change" and argued that a part-time county attorney "is obsolete right now."
Hansen said switching to a full-time county attorney could save money for Winneshiek County. He said current part-time County Attorney Andy Van der Maaten is paid a $59,436 salary, but he noted that the salary wasn't the only cost to the county. Another $112,091 is allocated to four Assistant County Attorneys, another $44,000 to a legal secretary, $14,000 in office rental and $91,469 in other expenses, for a total budget of $320,996. With 59,500 in revenues, the net cost of the current system is $261,496.
A full-time county attorney would not be allowed to have outside clients, which Hansen said would be a better policy. The full-time county attorney would still be an elected position, just as the present part-time County Attorney position is.