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This week is Flood Safety Awareness Week

Posted: Sun, Mar 17, 2013 10:51 PM

Winneshiek County Emergency Management is publicizing that this week is Flood Safety Awareness Week.

Emergency Management officials and those living along the Upper Iowa and Turkey Rivers are keeping a watchful eye on not only the water levels but the snow load.  Earlier in February, the National Flood Prediction Center in Chanhassen Minnesota had predicted minimal to average flood threat, with later weather this prediction may be changed.

Since the flooding of 2008, Emergency Management with the assistance of Decorah Water Department has added a number of staff gauges (visually read) along both the UI and Turkey Rivers. Two remote reading gauges were procured from and placed by the Iowa Flood Project and two new USGS gauges were also placed on these rivers.

Additional equipment for sand bagging was obtained by Emergency Management and is available for flood prone cities.

But the main word from the National Weather Service, Emergency Management, and local law enforcement is when you see water flowing across your road is TURN AROUND – DON'T DROWN!  A minimum of six inches of flowing water can push a car off the road way.

On average over the past 30 years floods have claimed the lives of 95 people annually and caused about $8 Billion in damage.  For more safety information, visit