A Town Hall will be held next Monday, March 11th, in Decorah to discuss a recent committee recommendation to close the Girl Scout's Camp Tahigwa in Allamakee County.
Leaders, parents, community members, and girls 14 and older are welcome to attend the meeting from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. March 11th in the First Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. A light supper will be available. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to debb@girlscoutstoday.org
The Property Committee for the Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois Council has recommended selling Camp Tahigwa and three other Girl Scout camps owned by the Council. Girl Scout officials have emphasized that the committee's vote is just a recommendation--the issue will be decided by the Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois Council Board when it meets March 28th.