Seven students from John Cline and Carrie Lee have been chosen by the State Selection Committee of Art Educators of Iowa to represent Decorah in the Iowa Youth Art Month Exhibit in Des Moines. Participants in the event represent students from the entire state of Iowa.
Carrie Lee students whose work will hang in the exhibit are Amanda Kavan, Gabriel Anderson and Kaitlyn Bohr, 4th grade, and Robyn Dayton, Izaak Eichinger and Chelsey Holtz, 3rd grade. Grant Huber, 2nd grade, will represent John Cline Elementary. Carol Gaustad, elementary art teacher at John Cline and Carrie Lee, was invited to submit ten entries for the jury process. Of these ten entries, seven pieces were accepted.
The Youth Art Month Exhibit is an annual event held in the State Historical
Building in Des Moines, Iowa. The exhibit is open to the public throughout the month of March. Students and families have been invited to attend a celebration to view the exhibit and receive awards on Saturday, March 2.
Front row, left to right: Izaak Eichinger, instructor Carol Gaustad, Kaitlyn Bohr, Amanda Kavan. Second row, left to right: Gabriel Anderson, Robyn Dayton, Grant Huber, Chelsey Holtz