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"Go Red for Women" day at Public Health highlights heart health

Posted: Thu, Jan 31, 2013 6:54 PM

Staff members at Winneshiek County Public Health will be wearing red and jeans on Friday to demonstrate the importance of heart awareness for all.  "Go Red for Women" is a national movement to raise funds for research and to end the myth that heart disease is a man's problem.
Winneshiek County Public Health staff wanted to call attention to this preventable disease that can touch anyone regardless of age, race, and sex. The public is invited to wear red clothing on that day as a way to symbolize that heart disease affects everyone.
Winneshiek County Public Health will be accepting tax deductible monetary donations during the month of February for the American Heart Association. Donations can be dropped off anytime between 8AM-4PM, Monday thru Friday, at their office located in the Smith Building at 305 Montgomery St; Suite #3.  Checks may be made out to the American Heart Association.  Tax receipts are available.  Public Health officials will send the donations to the Midwest Affiliate of the American Heart Association in Chicago.
Winneshiek County Public Health encourages you to join us as we "Go Red For Women" on Friday, February 1, 2013.