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Renovation continues to progress at Decorah High School

Posted: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 9:29 PM

School officials reported regarding the progress of the Decorah High School renovation on Monday night to the School Board. The new kitchen and cafeteria are now fully operational (Board members participated in a trial run earlier this month).  Demolition is close to completion in a couple classrooms and the old kitchen area. Family and Consumer Science, and Environmental Science classrooms are now operational, and the new greenhouse is close to completion.

 Walls for the new orchestra area are completed. Currently the band activities are happening in the auditorium while routine renovation such as painting occurs in the band room. The goal for band reoccupying their space is May, just prior to Large Group Contest.

One snag arose surrounding the reconstruction of restrooms located just across from the old kitchen when a roof leak was discovered that is holding up progress. That roof repair will likely cost about $30K. That restroom area will be similar to the other building restrooms, but will also include a "family restroom" space.