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Decorah bald eagle D1 has returned to Decorah

Posted: Tue, Dec 25, 2012 7:43 PM
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Raptor Resource Director Bob Anderson says Decorah bald eagle "D1" has returned to Decorah.

Says Anderson, "It is completely amazing that this same eagle last summer spent three months in Polar Bear Provincial Park on Hudson Bay in northern most Ontario, Canada, and is now once again back in Decorah."

D1 was fitted with GPS equipment last year, allowing Anderson and others to track the movements of the bids. Says Anderson, "While driving over a bridge spanning the Upper Iowa River (in Decorah) the receiver signal was maxing out and I spotted D1 perched in a tree overlooking the river. I snapped a few pictures from a long distance away then drove closer in attempts to get a better image but D1 spooked."