On Monday of this week, Mr. Answer Person fielded a simple question from John: "What is the steepest paved road in Decorah?" In order to get an answer, Mr. Answer Person went straight to the people who have to handle the steep hills in winter--the members of the city's Street Department. They had a lot of nominations:
--Vernon Street
--Oak Street
--Day Street
--Park Street
--Ridge Road
And their top three steepest streets:
--Linden Street
--Terrace Street
--Houlihan Street
Mr. Answer Person asked readers to weigh in with their opinions.
Several nominated Grandview Road, the street leading up to the Donlon Addition. Technically, it isn't in the City of Decorah, but it certainly is steep! Asked Dale: "Ever been down it after a snowfall?"
But three other readers nominated Linden Street. Said Brad, "Having lived on both Linden Street and Ridge Road while growing up in Decorah, I can tell you that Linden Street is the only street that made my stomach "drop" when traveling down it. This sensation has only been replicated when I've been traveling down certain streets in San Francisco."
Four readers nominated Hollihan Street. Although one said while Hollihan was the steepest street, as far as driving when it snows Hollihan and Terrace Street would be a toss-up. (Incidentally, the correct spelling of the street name is "Hollihan, not "Houlihan," notes Don.)
But the winner of the title "Steepest Street in Decorah," with six votes and the conclusion of City of Decorah snow plow drivers, is Terrace Street west of Oak Street. Noted Peter, "I'd say there's a bit of Terrace that even beats Hollihan as a close second." But take our word for it—don't go trying out Terrace Street now that there's snow on the ground!