The new geothermal heating/cooling system for the Decorah High School is scheduled to start coming on line as of Tuesday. Greg Schaller, Director of Buildings and Grounds, said that front office areas will be the first to come on line, and that within days the English wing, library, social studies and math areas, and the industrial technology wing will follow.
High School Principal Kim Sheppard said that students will be oriented to the new cafeteria system prior to returning to the new system in January. She said that in the next few days students will be oriented by groups, first with an introductory meeting in the auditorium, and then a walkthrough of the cafeteria/commons area. The new system and space will eliminate "split classes," provide a reasonable time for lunch periods, and make all class periods the same length. The floor for the commons area has already received multiple coats of wax, and that trophy and display cases have been installed. Painting of sounds panels is in process and they will be installed in the next few days.
During break the walls for the new orchestra area will be installed in the current commons. Significant asbestos removal projects will occur and the new consumer science and environmental studies/physics rooms will be readied for January occupancy.