Cow-calf and feedlot operators continue to deal with drought related issues. Those issues will be discussed Thursday at a workshop held in Postville by the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the Iowa Beef Center.
The meeting will focus on managing feed costs and alternative feeds for fall and winter feeding of the cow herd or feedlot use. Said ISU Extension and Outreach beef specialist Russ Euken, "Developing feeding programs that use available feeds and keep feed costs in check is the goal."
With corn costs relatively high producers are searching for ways to reduce corn use but still maintain performance. Chemically treating lower quality forages and supplementing the forage or drought stressed corn silage will also be a part of the discussion.
There will be a $10 fee payable at the door to cover refreshments and other miscellaneous costs.
A situation update on beef outlook, current beef supply and demand, and feed price outlook will also be provided.