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Winter Break will be busy time for Decorah High School renovations

Posted: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 8:25 PM

Winter Break will be another major marking point in the renovation projects at Decorah High School. The State Fire Marshal is expected to be at the school on December 19 to approve occupancy of science classrooms on the far east wing of the building, as well as the long awaited new kitchen and dining commons (site is the old gymnasium). During break there is considerable work scheduled for asbestos abatement in several areas, and the construction of walls to enclose the new orchestra space (current dining area).

The new kitchen and dining area will be tested by staff as they engage in staff development activities on January 3 and 4, and students will initiate the new facilities on January 7 when they return from break. In  other renovation progress the new girls PE locker room should be occupied later this week.