Since early September first-year students in Luther College's nursing program have been visiting Aase Haugen Homes residents three times each week to practice their communication, approach and clinical lab skills.
Aase Haugen Director of Nursing Mary Oyloe has been working with Luther's Clinical Nursing faculty to coordinate the hands-on training. Students begin by collecting the residents' life stories, which can aid them as they create and coordinate their plan of care.
"It is wonderful to be able to provide hands-on experience for these nursing students," says Oyloe, "This is real-world preparation our future nurses need." The residents at Aase Haugen Homes don't seem to mind at all. Seeing fresh, eager young faces in addition to the usual caring staff is hardly a drawback.
The students will be on-site at Aase Haugen Homes through the end of November. This is the third year they have partnered with the Luther College Nursing department.