New Minowa Players haS ANNOUNCED the cast of their fall children's show, "Winds of Wonder," based on three Carl Sandburg stories. Show dates are set for October 25th to the 28th at the NMP theatre in Decorah.
In the first story, Finn Dean Lester plays Henry Hagglyhoagly, who goes walking to his sweetheart's house on a cold winter night to play the guitar. It is so cold he has to play the guitar with his mittens on. This impresses not only his sweetheart but all of the young ladies in the area who think their boyfriends should do the same.
The second story features Celia Lesmeister as the White Horse Girl and Lillie Grouws as the Blue Wind Boy. The White Horse Girl loves to ride her white horses and the Blue Wind Boy loves to hike in the hills. Tobey Peterson is the narrator of the tale.
The third story is about six girls who wear balloons in their hair (Lily Smith, Sofie Grouws, Alex Kane, Ella Grouws, Ellen Rooney, and Becca Kane) and get questioned about their odd behavior by the second Man in Gray (Lauren Raddatz).
Other characters and narrators are played by Marshall Brookins, Parker Monroe, Britta Swanson, Franklin Lesmeister, Katie Storlie, Alexis Svestka, Jenna Raddatz, Henry Weis, Maggie Kane, Gwen Thompson, Morgan Brauer, Emma Brauer, Tobin Shea, Jaden Weis and Grace Thompson.