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"Rebuild the Dream"books available for Sept. 24 discussion

Posted: Thu, Aug 30, 2012 6:30 PM

The Decorah Public Library now has copies available of the book "Rebuild the Dream" by former Obama White House staffer Van Jones.  A discussion of the book will be held at 7:00 p.m. Monday, September 24th, with Lyle Otte and Craig Mosher as leaders.
"Rebuild the Dream" deals with the fear that too many Americans have that they can no longer get a good job, get ahead financially and retire with security.   The book  critiques the Obama campaign in 2008 and some of Obama's policies and styles of governing. He compares them to strategies used by the Tea Party and the Occupy movements, raising interesting questions about how citizens can best work to influence government actions and law-making.

 Call the library at 563-382-3717 for more information.