The Board of Directors of the Porter House Museum has announced that the house, grounds, historic rock wall and natural history collections will be open to the public on weekends in September and October.
Tours will be given on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. through October 28th.
Porter House board members say they made the move because the museum has been enjoying an increased number of visitors this summer. "Opening the Porter House for tours this fall will also provide another cultural aspect to some important Decorah weekends coming up -- like the Trout Run Trail Opening Weekend, Decorah Open Streets, Homecoming, Luther parents' weekend, and the Northeast Iowa Artists' Studio Tour," said Emily Mineart, who has been serving as intern and consultant to the Porter House during the summer. "The Porter House is proud to be an active partner in all these exciting events that draw so many people to our area," she added.