Eric e-mails Mr. Answer Person: "I remember how they put up a frozen dead turkey vulture on top of the cell phone tower near Phelps Park to scare away the turkey vultures that were roosting on the cell pone tower and c***ing on the houses right below the tower. I have a simple question--did the frozen turkey vulture carcass work?"
Mr. Answer Person says: "Ahhh--I have the best job in the world! Yes, you recall correctly that a dead turkey vulture carcass was put on top of the tower in June after neighbors complained the turkey vultures had become a nuisance.
At that time, the prediction by some was that the dead turkey vulture wouldn't work--that vultures are creatures of habit and once they roost in one location, they're hard to move.
Well, apparently the sight of a dead turkey vulture is enough to convince the others to move elsewhere. Mr. Answer Person has spoken with neighbors of the cell phone tower--and they say the turkey vultures have moved off some distance away to a dead tree to the west--and are now leaving the cell tower alone.
So roadkill turkey vultures apparently can be very useful in scaring off the living turkey vultures.
Eric asks one additional question: "Where did they get a frozen dead turkey vulture anyway?"
Mr. Answer Person says: "Why, at "Frozen Dead Turkey Vultures R Us," of course!