Luther College and the Luther College Archives have been selected to develop and host the Archives Leadership Institute for three years, 2013-15.
In support of the project, Luther College Archives has been awarded $216,150 by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
The Archives Leadership Institute at Luther College will provide advanced training for 25 emerging and innovative leaders each year, giving them the knowledge and tools to transform the archival profession in practice, theory and attitude.
Each year the program includes five elements:
• A weeklong residential Leadership Intensive held on Luther College's campus;
• A focused practicum project that will connect leadership skills with action;
• A practices workshop held during the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists;
• Global group projects that will encourage all ALI alumni to generate solutions to challenges within the profession; and
• A moderated online network experience that will serve as a virtual space for the ALI community to share and grow.
The ALI@Luther Leadership Intensives will be held June 16-22, 2013, June 15-21, 2014 and June 14-20, 2015.
The core approach will intertwine strategic and advanced leadership thinking with a clear and purposeful archival curriculum that includes project management, strategic visioning and human resource development, strategies for born digital resources, and advocacy and outreach.
The Leadership Intensives will be held at the Baker Village complex and will provide a residential immersion experience for participants.
The program will be facilitated by Luther Snow, consultant, author and facilitator. Rachel Vagts, Luther College Archivist and a 2010 Archives Leadership Institute alumna, will serve as the director of ALI@Luther. Sasha Griffin, Luther College Project Cataloging Archivist, will serve as program coordinator.
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission, the granting agency of the National Archives and Records Administration, supports projects that promote the preservation and use of America's documentary heritage, and the continuing development of professional skills for archivists, records managers and historical editors.
First funded in 2008, the Archives Leadership Institute seeks to bring to tomorrow's leaders the insights and understanding necessary for increasing public use and appreciation of archives.
For further information about ALI@Luther, contact Rachel Vagts, e-mail vagtsrac@luther.edu.