Three Decorah artists received awards from judges at Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum's "National Exhibition of Folk Art in the Norwegian Tradition." during Nordic Fest.
Stanley Finholt won a Red Ribbon in woodworking with a turned walnut bowl with a woven embellishment.
Ruth Green won a Blue Ribbon in rosemaling with a cupboard painted in the Rogaland style and she won a Red Ribbon with a bowl also painted in the Rogaland style.
Betty Rikansrud Nelson won a White Ribbon in weaving with "Ancient Inspiration," a table runner in doubleweave technique.
The exhibition was established as the rosemaling exhibition at the first Decorah Nordic Fest in 1967. Weaving, woodworking, and knifemaking were added in later years. Each year, judges award Blue, Red, and White Ribbons to chosen exhibitors.