One of our readers asked about the mobile hot dog stand that was a topic of discussion last summer, and the source for debates about street vendor licensing. Well, it's back, sort of.
The owner of the stand, Dave Polanski, is currently out of town on other ventures, but local resident Mike Ryan has been using the stand. Currently Ryan says he plans to be cooking on Thursday and Friday nights at the recently reopened Courtyard adjacent to the Old Armory Building. He is operating under the approval of Nathan Matter who runs the Courtyard, and the building manager. Ryan says he doesn't have any plans to pursue other street vending which would require other than private approval. But he does say that this venture is lots of fun and has opened other doors for him to do private catering.
Asked if he was operating under a particular business name, he said, "nah, it's pretty much Mike Selling Hot Dogs at the Courtyard." He is serving hot dogs, specialty dogs, brats and gyros.