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RSVP is seeking volunteers for the Decorah VA Clinic

Posted: Wed, May 16, 2012 2:38 PM

Northeast Iowa RSVP is looking for volunteers age 55 and older who are interested in serving at the new VA Clinic in Decorah. 

The VA Clinic needs volunteers to serve as greeters weekday from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.  It would be helpful but not required for the volunteer to have some clerical skills so that they could run copies or other tasks as needed for the office staff. 

As the volunteer program and needs grow, RSVP will also be looking for a volunteer with good organizational skills to organize & call volunteers for the VA clinic position.
Volunteers choose how often to volunteer at the Dcorah VA Clinic--once a week, once a month or any other time schedule.  All volunteers will be required to travel to the Iowa City VA Medical Center for volunteer orientation, background check and fingerprinting.  RSVP anticipates having volunteers make this trip as a group with the date to be determined once volunteers are recruited.
If you're interested, call Lyle Otte or Kathy Barloon at the RSVP office at 382-3717 or (877) 806-0623.