(Winneshiek Medical Center on Wednesday morning issued a news release in reaction to the letter it received from the State of Iowa's Auditor's Office. The statement is reposted here in its entirety):
"Winneshiek Medical Center has received a letter from Susan Battani, the Director of the Office of Auditor of State. In a conversation with Winneshiek Medical Center legal counsel, Ms. Battani made it clear that the letter was merely a"letter of inquiry". Ms. Battani also stated that she writes a number of these letters to governmental entities on a regular basis and that "Winneshiek Medical Center is not a specific target". She also stated unequivocally that the Auditor's office has not ruled that Winneshiek Medical Center is guilty of violations of Iowa's open meetings laws. Winneshiek Medical Center will gladly respond to Ms. Battani's requests for information and will cooperate in full with the Auditor's Office."