Registration is underway for the Tenth Annual Nordic Fest Theatre Program.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Nordic Fest Theatre program. Director Kristen Underwood is creating a play called 'A Sculptor's Life,' about Norwegian sculptor Sigvald Asbjornsen.
The theatre program will run Monday through Friday, July 16th through July 27th from 9:00 a.m. until noon each day. The cost is $125, which includes all materials and snacks. A $50 deposit is due at registration. Partial scholarships are available.
Performances are July 27 and 28 at Vesterheim's Bethania Lutheran Church, with free admission. The program is sponsored by Robert E.A. and Elaine Lee.
To register, or for more information, contact Jennifer Kovarik at Vesterheim, 563-382-9681 or jkovarik@vesterheim.org, or check online at vesterheim.org.