The sign-up deadline for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) has been extended to Friday, April 13th.
Said USDA Farm Service Agency Administrator Bruce Nelson said, "Due to strong interest in CRP, the decision was made to extend CRP sign-up for an additional week. I encourage all eligible farmers and ranchers to take advantage of this opportunity to participate in CRP. Whether new enrollees or re-enrolling existing CRP contracts, producers who sign up for CRP help to conserve land and improve our soil, water, air and wildlife habitat resources."
After the CRP general sign-up ends, FSA will evaluate offers based on cost and the Environmental Benefits Index, which takes into consideration variables such as wildlife habitat, water quality protection, soil erosion reduction, air quality protection and other enduring benefits. Accepted offers will become effective October 1st.
More information about the CRP is available at the Winneshiek County Farm Service Agency office.