27 Decorah High School juniors and seniors are participating in a six-week job shadowing program at WinneshiekMedical Center. The students are being introduced to a variety of careers available in the health care industry.
Decorah High School Family and Consumer Science and Health instructor ElaineLore coordinated the program with Winneshiek Medical Center EducationDepartment. WMC Staff Development Coordinator Elly Lensch says, "Everyone here really enjoys sharing theirknowledge with students who may become their future co-workers. It's a win-winfor everyone."During the shadow program students observe a WMC staffmember in their role to see what a day in the life of a health care worker islike. After participating in a thorough orientation class aboutconfidentiality, infection prevention, laws applicable to health care, and handhygiene, the students will shadow in radiology, laboratory, surgery, clinic,nursing, ambulance, emergency department, rehabilitation and respiratorytherapy.