Decorah High School's Individual Speech participants, coached by Amanda Huinker, have returned from a District Meet in Riceville with a lot of "Division 1" ratings.
35 students participated in the contest. Out of Decorah's 50 performances, 42 received I ratings and will continue on to the State Individual Speech Contest, which will be held Saturday, March 10th at Waldorf College, in Forest City.
Decorah Varsity students receiving a Division 1 rating:
Acting: Ely Cepeda, Daniel Rinaldelli, Carolina Deifelt Streese
Solo Musical Theater: Ritamarie Guzman, Alison Schwartzhoff, Hans Holkesvik
Poetry: Zach Schmelzer, Liv Ulring, Colin Zidlicky
Prose: Shelby Varney, Erica Bjelland, Emma Breitenstein
Literary Program: Marea Hokesvik, Maria Hoyme
After Dinner: Carolina Deifelt Streese, Sam Iverson
Public Address: Alice Gullekson, Isaac Mertzenich, Noreen Gentry
Improvisational: Zach Schmelzer, McKinleigh McCabe
Spontaneous Speaking: Alice Gullekson, Hans Holkesvik
Review: Alex Carney, Maria Hoyme, Anna Madrigal
Storytelling: Liv Ulring, Erica Bjelland, Pearl Faldet
Original Oratory: McKinleigh McCabe, Kirsten Arneson, Connor Edrington
Expository Address: Crystal Mensen, Ritamarie Guzman
Other Participants:
Spontaneous Speaking: Colin Zidlicky
Radio News: Max Kemp
Improvisational: Alex Carney
Decorah 9th grade speech students receiving a Division I rating:
Acting: Gara Lonning, Will Yahr
Storytelling: Kassie Hoyme
Improvisational: Will Yahr
Original Oratory: Lydia Dawley
Public Address: Simon Cropp, Connor Freeman
Review: Kassie Hoyme
Other Participants:
Acting: Steven Holkesvik
Improvisational: Steven Holkesvik
Solo Musical Theater: McKenzie Snyder
Spontaneous Speaking: Freddie Paulson, McKenzie Snyder