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NICC Calmar to offer boiler class

Posted: Wed, Jan 4, 2012 5:06 PM

NICC Calmar will offer a Low Pressure Boiler Operator course that meets from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays from January 31st until March 1st.  The class will meet in room 113 of the Dairy Center south of the Calmar campus.    

Through this course offering, participants learn operation and maintenance of low pressure and hot water systems.  Personnel who are responsible for handling boilers in area facilities will benefit from this course, and learn how to ensure safe, efficient procedures in line with regulations and code requirements. All aspects of low-pressure boilers are discussed including, smoke control procedures, boiler fittings, feed water, steam and combustion, water treatment and boiler room safety.  Participants will also take an operator certification exam at the conclusion of the course.

To register and pay online for Boiler Operator (# 8296), or for more information, go to or call (800) 728-2256, extension 399 by Tuesday, January 24th.  This deadline allows for time to order textbooks for all course participants.  The registration fee covers the costs of the textbook, workbook and exam.