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Questions about West Side property use lead city council to table action on new Comprehensive Plan

Posted: Mon, Dec 5, 2011 9:30 PM

The Decorah City Council will take a few more weeks before voting on an updated Comprehensive Plan for the community.

The city council held a public hearing on the plan Monday night, with comments centering on a map that showed property in the former Riverwalk subdivision as being zoned for "high density residential."

Decorah attorney Karl Knudson told members of the city council that having that designation for the property would represent a "welcome mat" to developers for planning a large development such as the Traditions Management proposal for an assisted living project.  Knudson told city council members "you're just inviting future trouble for future city councils."

City council member Karen Tjossem made a motion to refer the plan to the Economic Development Committee, telling fellow city council members "There's no real rush" to pass the comprehensive plan immediately.

The Economic Development Committee will meet at 6:00 p.m. Monday, December 12th, to further discuss the comprehensive plan.