What's the best way to thaw a frozen turkey? Is it safe to make pies and vegetable dishes a couple days before the big family gathering? And what's the best way to deal with the leftovers? The Iowa State University Extension Service has set up an "Answer Line" to deal with these questions and others.
Professional family and consumer scientists are staffing the toll-free hotline at 800-262-3804. They can explain everything from how long to cook the turkey to how far ahead to make the pumpkin pie.
Meimann says we will be available 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
In addition, Iowans can get answers to frequently asked questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week.on the Answer Line website, www.extension.iastate.edu/answerline/ Consumers can search by keyword, browse the keyword index or select a topic area to find answers to their questions