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Ask Mr. Answer Person: Another question about Water Street Park

Posted: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 4:46 PM

Randy sends an e-mail: "Based on coverage on, in August my siblingsand I made a donation to the Water Street Park donor wall.  This donationwas made in the name of our parents, who were married in Decorah in 1937. As we reside in California, we have heard nothing regarding the status of thisproject.  Can you provide an update on the donor wall?"

Mr. Answer Person says: "I'm sorry to hear anyone would spend money based on what I have to say!

Which is why I sought out Downtown Decorah Betterment Association board presidentMike Harman to answer your question, insteadof having me answer it.  Mike says, "There will be a donor plaque with thenames of those who have given $250 or more.  Due to the delay of the park(we're still waiting on the delivery of the pavers) I don't see the plaquegoing up until next year.  The plaque will more than likely be in theGazebo on a wall."