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"Oh My Gods" to be next Phillip Freeman book release

Posted: Thu, Sep 29, 2011 6:54 PM

Simon and Schuster publishing company says it will release the latest book by Luther College professor Phillip Freeman, "Oh My Gods," on January 3rd of next year.  The book, a modern retelling of Greek and Roman myths, was chosen as a main selection by the History Book Club and as an alternate by the Book of the Month, Military, Quality Paperback Books and Science Fiction book clubs.

 An internationally recognized specialist in Greek, Roman, medieval culture and Celtic studies, Freeman is the author of several books, including "Alexander the Great," "St. Patrick of Ireland" and "Julius Caesar."

Freeman holds the master of arts degree in classics from the University of Texas, the master of arts degree in language and literatures and the first joint doctoral degree in classical philology and Celtic languages from Harvard University.  Freeman holds the Luther College Orlando W. Qualley Chair of Classical Languages.