I'm always amused by people who contact decorahnews.com and tells us, "You should make the city/county/school district/hospital/someone else do this for us."
I'm flattered that people have such a high opinion of our influence, but the fact is that a lot of the things we have pushed for have never come about.
Take, for instance, last year's campaign to come up with a town slogan for Decorah. This was a carryover from the 2009 visit of tourism expert Roger Brooks, who said most communities settle for general slogans that end up doing nothing to distinguish their town from dozens of other "friendly communities."
We got a lot of suggestions from Decorah residents. What we didn't get was any progress.
But now I have come up with what I think is the best possible slogan, so let's renew this discussion. First, here's the slogan: