In the most dramatic moment of the Town Meeting at Seed Savers Exchange Monday night, President Barack Obama gracefully addressed the interruption of the established Q&A protocol by a Tea Party member.
That individual began shouting questions to President Obama regarding remarks made by Vice President Biden about the Tea Party. President Obama insisted on following the established audience question protocol and insisted on going on to the next audience question. He also said he would be happy to see the man after the event, while basically telling the police and secret service officials to back off as they were poised to remove the man from the audience.
Coincidentally, the next question did address the Tea Party, and in particular the unlimited (with undisclosed donors) campaign contributions that may have benefited Tea Party interests. While expressing his disagreement with recent campaign contribution standards, Obama acknowledged the "real anger and frustrations" of Tea Party members. But he said that it was the irresponsible actions of Wall Street and Congress" – not food stamps or unions – that have caused recent economic problems.
President Obama remained true to his promise and shook hands with the individual, acknowledging his concerns as a Tea Party member, during his exit from Seed Savers. In that exit the President offered many greetings and handshakes to the audience.