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New "Scenic Byway" highway signs will go up

Posted: Sun, Aug 7, 2011 12:40 PM
(Left to right): Iowa Department of Transportation's Troy Siefert and Northeast Iowa RC&D's Jared Nielsen

New traffic signs are going up in Allamakee County to identify the "Driftless Area Scenic Byway."  The new signs will display a universal "Iowa's Byways" logo at the top with a tree speckled with colorful yellow and orange leaves on the bottom.  Sign placement for the byway is expected to be complete by the end of the month.

The Driftless Area Scenic Byway zigzags across 100 miles of roadway in Allamakee County.  A similar byway--the River Bluffs Scenic Byway—travels a 109-mile route through Fayette and Clayton counties.

The signage project is part of a grant from the National Scenic Byways Program that brought $580,000 in federal funds to Iowa.

For additional information about Iowa's byways, contact Jared Nielsen of Northeast Iowa RC&D at (563) 864-7112 or visit