Alliant Energy says it set a record for peak electricity usage on Monday in Iowa and Minnesota.
The new record peak of 3,701 megawatts was set at 6:00 p.m. Monday. Records for Tuesday have not been compiled yet, but Alliant officials say peak usage on Tuesday could match or surpass Monday's record.
"This kind of hot humid weather taxes and tests our electrical grid," said Interstate Power and Light Company President Tom Aller. Aller continued, "I am happy to say we've met the demand from our customers and continue our efforts to keep outages to a minimum. However, as long as this heat remains, the electrical grid and Alliant Energy crews will continue to be tested."
Alliant Energy did exercise some of its interruptible contracts with industrial customers and also activated its residential central air conditioning load control program. Interruptible customers receive lower rates throughout the year in exchange for voluntarily agreeing to limit or reduce energy use in periods of high demand. Residential customers participating in the load control program receive credits for allowing their air conditioners to be shut off remotely for 15-minute intervals during periods of high electrical demand.