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Tennis court project clears next hurdle with School Board action

Posted: Mon, Jun 13, 2011 9:03 PM

The Decorah Community School Board met in special session on Monday as they moved forward the city/school tennis court project.

The City Council approved two tennis courts agreements at their meeting on June 6 regarding construction and maintenance of the courts. In response the school board discussed bids and the maintenance costs. The agreement states the costs will be divided 50/50 between the city and the school district. Associate Principal Adam Riley said that resurfacing would be needed every 7-10 years at an estimated cost of $20-25,000.

The board then approved a 28E agreement to enter into contract with city, and set June 27, 6:00 p.m. as a public hearing date. The bids for the courts are due at noon that day and the board is expected to act on the bids after the public hearing.