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School board approves bid for construction of new tennis courts

Posted: Mon, Jun 27, 2011 8:44 PM

It will cost slightly more than expected to build six new tennis courts near John Cline School, but Decorah School Board members on Monday night decided the extra cost is worth it.

Decorah School District officials opened bids at noon Monday on construction of new tennis courts.  Skyline Construction submitted a bid of $278,452.94 for the project to tear out the existing tennis courts and build six new courts. 

Engineer Lindsay Erdman had estimated the cost at $250,000.  However, $20,000 of the difference between the estimate and the bid came in just two items--fencing and basketball hoops. 

Decorah School Board members will met Monday night and voted unanimously to accept the bid from Skyline Construction.  The school district and the City of Decorah will split the cost evenly.  Construction on the project is expected to begin in a week or two.