City of Decorah officials have reached an out-of-court agreement with property owner Kay Strand that avoids a jury trial later this week on a charge of failure to properly maintain her property at 701 Maple Avenue.
Under the agreement, Strand will complete all the siding and roofing repairs to the garage on the property by 9:00 p.m. May 22nd. She also has agreed to complete the painting of the house by 9:00 p.m. June 26th and to reseed grass in the lawn of the property where necessary and to connect the house to the city's sewer system before anyone moves into the house.
The agreement provides that Strand agrees to enter a guilty plea to charges of "failure to maintain property" after June 26th if it is found that Strand has not complied with the curt agreement. It also provides that she will pay for court costs in the case by May 28th.