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Members of the 322nd Engineer Company get a big sendoff

Posted: Fri, Jan 14, 2011 4:25 PM

Members of the 322nd Engineer Company headquartered in Decorah have started their 400 day deployment, one that will have them building roads, houses and barracks in Afghanistan. They will have a lot of memories to keep them company.

At an hour-long program Friday afternoon at Luther college, the departing soldiers got a rousing send-off. Brigadier General Charles Martin promised that the 160 soldiers "will keep occupied." He promised that they would be safe in Afghanistan--and busy.

Decorah Mayor Don Arendt, in remarks at the program, promised the soldiers, "We WILL remember you."

The engineers will be in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Decorah Mayor Don Arendt
Flags lined the sidewalks outside the Center for Faith & Life
Parting hugs