Iowa State Extension is sponsoring workshops on Monday and Tuesday that explain how the new "beef grid marketing" system works. Cattlemen interested in learning more about how beef carcass value is established can attend either workshop--at 7:00 p.m. Monday at the Edgewood Locker or at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday at the Spillville Locker. The workshop is also appropriate for 4-H or FFA market beef or dairy beef exhibitors and their parents.
Today's beef industry is moving toward value-based marketing of finished cattle, a system that uses a price formula that determines value of each individual animal based on quality grade and yield grade. Current grid pricing systems differ from past pricing systems because there are significant premiums offered for cattle achieving quality grades above low choice and for yield grades 1 and 2. However, producers must withstand discounts for lower quality grades and poorer yield grades, plus any cattle that do not meet weight specifications.
Participants in the workshops will have an opportunity to see and evaluate real beef carcasses. They will also learn about the beef grids used for carcass contests at local county fairs.
ISU Extension livestock specialists Dan Lane and Denise Schwab will lead the program. Pre-registration is requested by calling the ISU Extension-Clayton County office at 563-245-1451.