A crew from Iowa Public Television traveled around Decorah on Monday, shooting video of the Trout Run Trail and mountain bike riding in Decorah.
IPTV's Dan Kaercher says the feature will air on an upcoming program titled "Iowa's Simple Pleasures," which will air next spring. Kaercher spent Monday morning riding a bike on the Trout Run Trail and talking with Decorah residents. The three-person IPTV crew visited the Arch on the trail, the Trout Hatchery, Dug Road, the Freeman sculpture, Pulpit Rock Campground, Dunnings Spring and Upper Palisades.
IPTV producer Nancy Crowfoot says she got the idea for a feature story about the bike trail while working on a segment of "Iowa Journal" that profiled art in public places. While "Iowa Jounral" did not profile Decorah's artworks, she did mentally file away the idea for a later feature.
WCCVB Executive Director Brenda Balk drove IPTV videographer John Torpy in an ATV down part of the Trout Run Trail on Monday morning. As if on cue, a young doe crossed their path as Torpy was filming.