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NICC Calmar students help raise money for Honor Flight

Posted: Mon, Sep 20, 2010 11:20 AM

The Northeast Iowa WWII Honor Tour was made possible because of the donations of numerous community groups.

An NICC Human Services program student from Decorah, Teresa Dehining, spearheaded one of the fund drives.  Dehning, NICC iMPACT president, visited with Dr. Liang Wee, Calmar campus provost, and Troy Vande Lune, assistant director of student life, diversity and leadership, to talk about ways NICC could lend its support.  For two weeks donation containers were distributed all around the NICC Calmar campus.  The effort raised $135, which was among the donations used to help pay for the costs of the trip.  Northeast Iowa WWII Honor Tour organizers say so much money was raised from community organizations that some funds will probably be left over to help pay for a second trip next spring.