With just two dry days last week, Iowa's farmers had only a small window of opportunity to continue with much needed fieldwork, according to the latest crop report from the Iowa Department of Agriculture. Operators focused on harvesting hay and on spraying soybean fields, which are becoming highly concentrated with weeds.
June's rainy weather has taken a toll on crops throughout the state, according to the Agriculture Department. Heavy rains over the weekend contributed to more flooding and ponding. This surplus of water is causing crop condition and growth to vary dramatically. Some fields have areas completely drowned out by standing water and sections turning yellow with stunted growth, while fields with good drainage are thriving. Pastures are also suffering and becoming very muddy as creeks and rivers overflow.
Topsoil moisture rated 0 percent very short, 0 percent short, 40 percent adequate and 60 percent surplus across the state. Subsoil moisture rated 0 percent very short, 0 percent short, 41 percent adequate, and 59 percent surplus.