Our previous article about earwigs brought a lot of questions from readers, so we're repeating the advice about how to get rid of earwigs:
Iowa State University Extension says it's not easy to get rid of earwigs:
"One option is trapping and destroying the earwigs. Place burlap bags, boards, newspapers or other materials on the ground, then collect the earwigs daily and destroy them." You can also moisten the newspapers, since earwigs like damp and wet surroundings.
If you're going to get rid of earwigs, you'll want to seal the more obvious entrances to your home—the doors. Doors and door frames are the most common access points for pests like earwigs. Be sure to examine each doorway into your home and address cracks and holes with weather stripping, caulk, or putty.
Insecticides are another option for getting rid of earwigs, says ISU Extension: "Select a home garden insecticide labeled for this purpose and apply according to label directions. Applications in late afternoon are preferred as earwigs feed at night."
To get rid of earwigs that have made it into your home despite proper sealing and landscaping techniques, spreading a residual insecticide like boric acid near baseboards, cracks, and hard to reach places is recommended. Boric acid is a natural insecticide and works only if the earwig is forced to travel through the powder.