18 Decorah Middle School Orchestra members have been recognized for their performances at the school's annual Solo and Ensemble Festival. Those receiving top honors were Charles Baldwin, Charles Baldwin, Rita Marie Guzman, Lydia Hayes, Loden Henning, Molly Hovden, Jane Kilarski, Brett La Rue, Andrew Larson, Alexa Lensing, Gable Lonning, Carley Marlow, Katie Perez, Trevor Phillips, Anna Swanson, Blake Taylor, Timothy Winter and Henry Zheng. Judges for the event were Jeanette Spilde and Andi Beckendorf. All 6th through 8th grade orchestra students participate in the Festival.
(Pictured above, front row, left to right): Loden Henning, Gable Lonning, Katie Perez, Rita Marie Guzman, Trevor Phillips. (Middle row, left to right): Andrew Larson, Anna Swanson, Carley Marlow, Henry Zheng, Jane Kilarski. (Back row, left to right): Leah Blekeberg, Charles Baldwin, Timothy Winter, Blake Taylor, Molly Hovden. (Not pictured): Alexa Lensing, Lydia Hayes, Brett La Rue.