New Minowa Players, the Decorah area community theatre group, is seeking directors' proposals for several future productions. Directors are being sought for the Fall 2010 All-Children's show, the January 2011 Family Show, the Spring 2011 show, the 2011 Summer Musical, and the 2011 Young People's Production.
Proposals should be written in the form of a letter stating the show the director is seeking to present and should detail the merits and theatre experience of the prospective director. Letters should be sent to the attention of Ruth Bruce, NMP Board President, at P.O. Box 321, Decorah no later than March 31.
New Minowa Players seeks to provide opportunities for youth, adults, families, and friends to be involved in the performing arts. For more information or questions, please contact Carol Kelly, Corresponding Secretary for NMP at or Ruth Bruce at (563) 382-2202.