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Congressman Oberstar leading effort to retrieve Ben Larson's body

Posted: Thu, Jan 21, 2010 8:00 AM

2006 Luther College graduate Ben Larson will be memorialized in events Thursday night and Friday afternoon at Luther College. As friends and family members gather in Decorah, the chaotic events in Haiti mean Larson's death still has not yet been confirmed beyond a shadow of doubt.

It is known for sure that Ben Larson was trapped in the St. Joseph's Home for Boys following the earthquake and probably died trapped within the rubble. But there are still many Americans who were in Haiti at the time of the earthquake and have not been accounted for. The ongoing rescue operations are taking priority over recovery efforts.

Minnesota Congressman Jim Oberstar, who lived in Haiti for three years when younger, has been in direct contact with Ben Larson's parents, offering his condolences and support. An aide to Congressman Oberstar tells the congressman "has personally asked the Department of State to make the recovery of Ben Larson a priority and then has directed his staff to follow up on those inquiries. The State Department's Deputy Assistant Secretary for Overseas Citizen Services has asked State Department and other relief workers on the scene to see what can be done."

(Pictured above): Picture taken at St. Joseph's Home for Boys in Haiti on Friday