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Burning Bright concert results in over $3,000 in donations

Posted: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 8:00 AM

The Burning Bright music group has donated over $3,000 to two local groups. The group's 2009 concert raised about $3,900.

Burning Bright director Otter Dreaming has distributed checks to The Pantry at First Lutheran Church in Decorah, the Postville Children's Health Fund and the Greater Area Pantry in Calmar.

The $2,400 donation to the Postville Children's Health Fund will be used to help pay for dental, eye and general medical care (usually for K-5 students). The program is overseen by Freedom Bank in Postville and is administered by the school nurse working with parents, guidance counselors and principal.

The $750 donation to the Greater Area Pantry in Calmar will be used to help purchase food from the Northeast Iowa Food Bank in Waterloo. Every dollar of donated money to the food pantry can purchase $11 to $13 worth of food.

(Left to right): Burning Bright director Otter Dreaming presents a check to Postville K-12 principal Chad Wahls.