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Plans announced for Luther College Energy Competition

Posted: Fri, Jan 8, 2010 8:00 AM

The annual Luther Energy Competition will be held from February 5th through March 5th to challenge Luther students to reduce energy use in the college's residence halls. It's the fourth annual such competition at Luther.

"As in previous years, weekly meter readings will be coupled with energy audits of each residence hall room on campus as a way of educating students about energy use and providing them with the knowledge they need to help their building reduce overall consumption," said Maren Stumme-Diers, assistant sustainability coordinator and member of the 2010 Energy Competition planning team..

Students living in Brandt, Ylvisaker, Olsen, Larson, Miller and Dieseth residence halls and in the Baker Village student housing complex will all participate. The energy competition will focus on "phantom" loads, water, lights and heat. Students will be encouraged to reduce energy use by turning off unneeded lights, shutting off computers when not in use, cutting back on the use of electrical appliances including game systems and televisions, unplugging cell phone and laptop chargers when not in use, and reducing their use of hot water.

Other activities during the month will include an "unplugged" concert, promotion of energy-themed conservation weeks and on-campus information and education campaigns to promote a culture of conservation at Luther.